Video: Peggy Thayer and the Micmac (Mi’kmaw) Traditional DancersArchive Collection: The Mi'kmaq of Nova Scotia Archives Collection - Curated by Dr. Trudy Sable Participants: Peggy Thayer and the Micmac (Mi’kmaw) Traditional Dancers (see full description below)Date: Mar. 3, 1991Location: Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre, Halifax, Nova ScotiaFiles: Citation: Trudy Sable (1991). Videotape of Peggy Thayer and the Micmac Traditional Dancers, Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre, Halifax, N.S. March, 1991. Trudy Sable Collections, Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Center Archives, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Keywords: chants, Dance, healing song, Kwanu'te, songs The following video is of the Micmac (Mi’kmaw) Traditional Dancers, led by Peggy Thayer and assisted by Philippa Pictou at the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Center in March 1991. The video was part of Trudy Sable’s research on Mi’kmaw dances through time. The research was written up in her M.A. Thesis, “Another Look in the Mirror: Research into the Foundations for Developing an Alternative Science Curriculum for Mi’kmaw Children” (1996), and later in her book co-authored by Dr. Bernie Francis, The Language of this Land: Mi’kma’ki (2012). Sponsorship for the archiving of this video was from the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia with funding through the Department of Canadian Heritage, Aboriginal Language Initiatives Program 2018-2021. Dancers: Peggy Thayer (Organizer) assisted by Philippa Pictou; Karen Pictou; Amber Pictou; Charlene Paul; Christian Paul; Shawnee Syliboy; Amanda Slauenwhite; Jessie Knockwood; Cora Thayer; Tresa Syliboy; Sheri Syliboy. The following video is of the Micmac (Mi’kmaw) Traditional Dancers, led by Peggy Thayer and assisted by Philippa Pictou at the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Center in March 1991. The video was part of Trudy Sable’s research on Mi’kmaw dances through time. The research was written up in her M.A. Thesis, “Another Look in the Mirror: Research into the Foundations for Developing an Alternative Science Curriculum for Mi’kmaw Children” (1996), and later in her book co-authored by Dr. Bernie Francis, The Language of this Land: Mi’kma’ki (2012). Sponsorship for the archiving of this video was from the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia with funding through the Department of Canadian Heritage, Aboriginal Language Initiatives Program 2018-2021. Dancers: Peggy Thayer (Organizer) assisted by Philippa Pictou; Karen Pictou; Amber Pictou; Charlene Paul; Christian Paul; Shawnee Syliboy; Amanda Slauenwhite; Jessie Knockwood; Cora Thayer; Tresa Syliboy; Sheri Syliboy. View Transcript